You are Doing a Great Job!

 To nurses and doctors who stay awake every night to take care of patients, to deliver babies, to operate patients and to save life, you are doing a great job, to all teachers who wake up daily to teach pupils from kindergarten, primary and secondary school to this generation where beauty queens, musicians, models and media personalities are more praised and appreciated more and the rest of civilians who are also doing great job are forgotten. The society should learn to appreciate the hidden treasures of teachers, nurses, doctors, road cleaners, nannies, maids  and all who are actually doing great job but are usually forgotten.

There will be a hashtag soon in my Instagram account (gloriabusungu) #UnafanyaKaziNzuri, #YouAreDoingAGreatJob, #WeAreProudOfYou,

#TunajivuniaKuwaNaWewe #HappyChoicesOrganization I will post everyone who is doing a great job in his/her daily basis, people will be complimented and encouraged to continuing doing the great job that they are doing even when no one is praising them in public.

Topic: Work and Well Being

Written by: Gloria Busungu Date: 28th October 2020


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