It’s okay to care but it’s not okay to worry


I grew up caring too much for everyone, whether you are a friend, a family or just a neighbor next door, if I hear anything bad concerning people, I get worried seriously worried and sometimes scared on their behalf, I don’t know who taught me that, neither do I know when did it start I just found out myself that way. There was a moment when I stopped watching the news cause when I hear bad things I get scared, I shared that to a friend on a conversation he simply answered, why do you worry about other people’s issues? That is theirs to fix, just watch the news and let it be. Simple as that, I was mesmerized and asked myself is it that simple?  Was I an Idiot?  May be I was by worrying and maybe I was not by caring, I took some time to digest what he said and later on, after I read between the lines, I got his point that Its okay to care but it’s not okay to worry.

Kindness, Love and Care of our self and others is necessary for our wellbeing and our own joy of course, one thing to note is not to drain our self on the name of caring for others, do what you can with what you have to those who need you. Just like blood group, there is a blood group O can offer blood to all other blood group while other groups can’t do that. Help people as much as you can, but if it comes to the point when you cannot handle, then it’s okay to let it be and let them fix theirs.

Topic: Self Love, Self-Care and Hygiene

Written by: Gloria Busungu Date: 15 November 2018





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