Love and respect all people and wish them well


Opening Quote: “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” -Matthew (7:12)

Do you like being loved, appreciated, respected and valued? If the answer is yes, do the same to your fellow human. Teach your heart to love and respect all people regardless of their gender, social, religious, gender and nationality status.  If they respect you, respect them. if they don’t respect you, respect them as well. We gain nothing by respecting only those who are treating us better neither do loose a thing by respecting all regardless of their behavior. Let you values not change with time or peoples action. Your actions define who you are, but other people’s action define who they are. Don’t ever change your nature because they have refused to change theirs. Let your nature be respecting people at all weather and in all situation. Wish wellness to every human kind, their success will not limit yours, it may either add a catalyst to yours or never have any impact on your life but it may impact other. If their life is good, yours also will be good, in a way that if people around you emit positive vibes, the vibe will impact you as well, the same is true if you are surrounded by nay Sayers, pessimist, you are most likely to be the same as them you can hardly rise above their level.  Do whatever it is in your power to wish people well and help them become best version on themselves, wish well to all human kind do your best to bring Impact and positive influence to the society around you and the world at large. When you wish good things for others, good things come back to you, this is the law of nature. Wish others well in their journey, no matter what your history with them what you send out comes bac to you through the law of attraction.  And I hereby wishing you the very best for all the new ventures, that life has in store for you.

Closing Quote:  Don’t wish for other people’s misfortune Wish for your and their wellbeing what’s on your mind either contaminates or heals you- Jerry Corsten

Topic: Friends, Family and Society 


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