Avoid Gossip at all cost


Opening Quote: Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles.Korean Proverb

 Are you a hater? Are you a fool? Are you an idiot? If you are then keep on gossiping. But if you are not then stop gossip at all cost. Because I read a quote that reads “Always remember rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots”.

You can easily lie when you gossip but there is a better choice to make. Before you speak anything’s ask yourself first, is it true? Second, is it kind? Third, is it necessary? Forth, what will I gain if I speak this? Fifth, what will I lose if I don’t say it? Sixth, will I be able to say it to the respective person face to face? Seventh, does it help the person change? If answers to these questions satisfy you. Then speak otherwise remain silent.

Blake Lively said “People gossip. People are insecure, so they talk about other people so that they won’t be talked about. They point out flaws in other people to make them feel good about themselves.  Pointing weakness in others won’t heal yours. The more you know your own weakness and deal with them the less you will have time to gossip. Here is my simple advice, any time you feel like gossiping, think of your five worst mistake that you regret doing it and you don’t want anyone to know, first ask yourself can you tell people about those mistakes? Second, imagine someone publicizing it to others. The feeling that you will feel after imagining this, you can easily shut your beautiful month.

Pope Francis on his message for preparation of Lent 2022, he said there are two medicines to treat the habits of speaking ill behind peoples back, one is to pray for that person concerning the behavior you want to gossip about, also pray for God to shut your mouth and second is to bite your tongue whenever you feel the urge to gossip or speaking ill of others.

Closing Quote: Gossip is a twin sister of Lie, “Gossiping and lying go hand in hand.” ~ Proverb.

Topic : Self love, self care and hygiene + Friend, Family, Community and Society


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