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Avoid Gossip at all cost

  Opening Quote: “ Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles. ” ~  Korean Proverb   Are you a hater? Are you a fool? Are you an idiot? If you are then keep on gossiping. But if you are not then stop gossip at all cost. Because I read a quote that reads “Always remember rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots”. You can easily lie when you gossip but there is a better choice to make. Before you speak anything’s ask yourself first, is it true? Second, is it kind? Third, is it necessary? Forth, what will I gain if I speak this? Fifth, what will I lose if I don’t say it? Sixth, will I be able to say it to the respective person face to face? Seventh, does it help the person change? If answers to these questions satisfy you. Then speak otherwise remain silent. Blake Lively said “ People gossip. People are insecure, so they talk about other people so that they won’t be talked about. They point out flaws in other people to make them...

Pray daily for the universe and all human kind.

  Opening Quote: A day without prayer is a day without blessing, and a life without prayer is a life without power -Edwin Harvey The better the world is; the better your peace will be.   This sound silly but it is important to pray for all people, everyone needs God’s grace and mercy. If you get one minute to pray for all human kind, you will live differently, you will see people differently and you will love and respect them regardless of their difference in color, religion, culture, political party, or anything that divine humans. Once you pray for all is when you realize all people matters, everyone need help of some kind, everyone needs appreciation and consideration. Here is my simple prayer for all human kind, you can use it as it is or modify it to fit your desire. “Dear Loving and Merciful Father, everyone in the entire universe needs your mercy, grace, forgiveness and guidance. We all need your love, protection and favor.   Have mercy on us all, forgive us ...

Find a mentee

  Opening Quote : Being well trained means you can train others- Unknown Everyone has something good to offer. Just the way you are; you gifted enough to coach and train other people, in either a formal, non-formal or informal knowledge sharing. whether they are younger, same age or older than you. Helping people grow and achieve their dreams is the fasters route to success both theirs and yours. Share the little knowledge you have or already know to help people do better or to not repeat the same mistakes you did.    Pope John Paul II said, “Nobody is so poor that he has nothing to give, and nobody is so rich that he has nothing to receive” . Keep on believing in yourself and the fact that you have something to good to give, some good knowledge to share, few life experience to tell, some great behavior to teach others especially the young generation who need us to give them a good example of how we should...

Love and respect all people and wish them well

  Opening Quote: “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” -Matthew (7:12) Do you like being loved, appreciated, respected and valued? If the answer is yes, do the same to your fellow human. Teach your heart to love and respect all people regardless of their gender, social, religious, gender and nationality status.   If they respect you, respect them. if they don’t respect you, respect them as well . We gain nothing by respecting only those who are treating us better neither do loose a thing by respecting all regardless of their behavior. Let you values not change with time or peoples action. Your actions define who you are, but other people’s action define who they are. Don’t ever change your nature because they have refused to change theirs. Let your nature be respecting people at all weather and in all situation . Wish wellness to every human kind, their success will not limit yours, it may either add a catalyst to yours or never have any impact on...

Strengthen your relationship with God

  Opening quote: Deuteronomy 6:5 (NIV) “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Dear reader, make sure you are at peace with God, if God understands you it does not matter who does not. The first and the greatest commandment is to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, body and strength (Matthew 22:37, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30). Put God your fist place in your life, trust God, Know God, Love God and Obey his commands. How do you trust God? by having complete hope in him, how do you know God? by reading the Holy Books. How do you Love God? by keeping his commandments. Strengthening your relationship with God does not actually means that you should always be perfect, it means that you should run to God even in your imperfections. To confess when we mess up and to stick to God no matter what happens. God cares about every area of our lives, God knows every sin the have committed, God knows every good deed you di...

January summary of our daily quotes

  On Divine Guidance I remember a saying that says take time to pray it’s the greatest power on earth. This saying never go out of style, in order to pray effectively one must love God entirely, when you love God, you will always spare time for him, no matter how busy your schedule may be, spend few minutes to seeking God’s Guidance through devotional prayers and silent time with him, also have a grateful soul by always thanking your God for all the things that happens to your life, remember also to follow God’s direction that is received through prayers and meditation On Self-care, self-love and hygiene It’s easy to give more to others than giving our self the same time, love and respect that we usually give others. You cannot serve from an empty vessel, focus more on you, learn to love you and don’t copy others just be you, and love your original copy. Spare time for you at least 10 minutes a day to focus on you and what you exactly need in life, in all things don’t forget ...

Mwanaid Selemani Juma, You are doing a great Job, We are so proud of you. Thank you for your contribution in the education sector
