January summary of our daily quotes


On Divine Guidance

I remember a saying that says take time to pray it’s the greatest power on earth. This saying never go out of style, in order to pray effectively one must love God entirely, when you love God, you will always spare time for him, no matter how busy your schedule may be, spend few minutes to seeking God’s Guidance through devotional prayers and silent time with him, also have a grateful soul by always thanking your God for all the things that happens to your life, remember also to follow God’s direction that is received through prayers and meditation

On Self-care, self-love and hygiene

It’s easy to give more to others than giving our self the same time, love and respect that we usually give others. You cannot serve from an empty vessel, focus more on you, learn to love you and don’t copy others just be you, and love your original copy. Spare time for you at least 10 minutes a day to focus on you and what you exactly need in life, in all things don’t forget you, always take good care of yourself so that your cup can be full and you serve well others.

On Mind and emotions

You are your thought, the state of our mind dictates our emotions and how we spend our daily life, we have a power to choose joy over sadness, calmness over anxiety, choose peace of mind over unrest, love and protect your inner peace over unfinished arguments

On Work and well being

2Thessalonians 3:10 reads “the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat”, this is how serious work is, it is equated to eating if you don’t work dfor seven days you shall not et for seven, this far means that work is necessary for our survival, this being said so it’s better to love what we do, protect, preserve and take good care of our jobs, business and all that makes us productive.


On Diets, Foods and Recipes

Taking unnecessary sugar which may be inform of carbohydrate consumed in daily meals may not be very good to our health, try to eat more vegetables, also eat fruits, drink enough water and reduce Sugar intake so as we can stay healthier and strong.

On Physical health

One Arabian proverbs says “He who has health, has hope, who has hope has everything”. Your health is your greatest asset, everyone around you; your family, friends, employer and customer needs you are alive. When you are seriously ill you will be sent to the hospital, when you are dead you will be sent to the cemetery. It’s not rude but that how life is, so it’s your duty to love, protect, take care and preserve your health.

On Social Capital

Family, friends, society and community are good assets, although we face most battles alone, life is worthy living when family and friends are with us. These are the people that makes life worth living and worth fighting for, it’s important to love, take care, protect and value our family, friends and the community around us.

Thank you for reading a monthly summary of  our daily quotes.

 Happy new year 2021! Have a good one.


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