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Opening Quote: Being well trained means you can train others- Unknown

Everyone has something good to offer. Just the way you are; you gifted enough to coach and train other people, in either a formal, non-formal or informal knowledge sharing. whether they are younger, same age or older than you. Helping people grow and achieve their dreams is the fasters route to success both theirs and yours. Share the little knowledge you have or already know to help people do better or to not repeat the same mistakes you did.   Pope John Paul II said, “Nobody is so poor that he has nothing to give, and nobody is so rich that he has nothing to receive”. Keep on believing in yourself and the fact that you have something to good to give, some good knowledge to share, few life experience to tell, some great behavior to teach others especially the young generation who need us to give them a good example of how we should handle few things around the challenging life that we live. Also keep on having courage that there are people who need the knowledge you have, and sometimes a simple word can change someone life, a small shared experience can help someone leave a certain deadly behavior. Share what you already know those who may need it. You can’t be everything to everybody but you can do something to make one’s day or future brighter.

Closing Quote: As we help others, we cannot but help ourselves - Ben Cohen

Topic: Friends, Family and Society 


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